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4 Books Designed to Minimize Dental Anxiety in Children

March 8, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — villagepediatric @ 8:04 pm
a mother and daughter having fun while reading books about dental visits

When it’s time to load your child into the car and drive to the dentist’s office, you may be dreading the experience. Unless your little one has an easy-going demeanor and is unafraid of new experiences, most children deal with severe dental anxiety before a regular appointment. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize the potential screaming, crying, and fear. With the help of a children’s dentist, you can help your little one feel more at ease by checking out these 4 books that discuss the benefits, excitement, and surprise of visiting the dentist’s office!


If Your Child Bites Their Nails, They May Be Hurting Their Teeth!

December 12, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — villagepediatric @ 10:52 pm
Nail-biting young girl looks worried

People of all ages chew on their nails, even kids. In fact, some studies report that about half of children between the ages of 10 and 18 chew on their fingernails occasionally. However, this common habit isn’t entirely harmless. Overaggressive or frequent nail-biting when the teeth and mouth are developing early in life can lead to long-term complications. Here’s how your child’s nail-biting habits can impact their long-term oral health, and what you can do to protect their precious smile from permanent damage.


What Is Baby Bottle Tooth Decay and How Can I Prevent It?

October 13, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — villagepediatric @ 8:34 pm
Young boy potentially in danger of baby bottle tooth decay

Cavities are incredibly common among children. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, tooth decay is the most common chronic childhood disease. Unfortunately, there are several factors that make children more prone to cavities than adults, such as thin enamel, lacking dental hygiene habits, and sugary children’s snacks. However, you may be increasing your son’s or daughter’s risk of tooth decay even more every day without realizing it! Here’s everything you need to know about baby bottle tooth decay and how you can protect your little one’s smile!


Are Dental X-Rays Safe For Children?

August 27, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — villagepediatric @ 1:39 pm
a pediatric dentist showing a child a copy of their dental X-ray

Starting at an early age, your child’s pediatric dentist will begin capturing dental X-rays during their routine checkups and cleanings. In the past, film X-rays have received criticism about radiation and other harmful effects, but today, with the latest digital imaging technology, you won’t have to worry about these same problems. Read on to learn why your child’s dentist takes X-rays and what makes it safer today.


Kids Stuck at Home? Keep Their Smile Healthy with These 5 Tips

July 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — villagepediatric @ 10:53 pm
Father and daughter brushing their teeth

Since schools have shut down and parks have closed in the name of COVID-19, your little one has been spending a lot more time at home. While this time is a welcomed reprieve from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, unsupervised, poor dental habits can lead to several dental issues. To prevent their quarantine activities from turning into fall cavities, your pediatric dentist in Cumming is sharing five tips for keeping their smiles healthy.


Fun Ways to Prepare Your Child for Their Next Dental Appointment Amid the COVID-19 Crisis

May 10, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — villagepediatric @ 6:40 pm
a little boy wearing a striped shirt and giving a thumbs-up signal after seeing his pediatric dentist in Cumming, GA

Does your child experience some anxiety when preparing to see their pediatric dentist in Cumming, GA? Do they look for excuses not to go or make it extremely difficult to put them into the car on the day of their appointment? Unfortunately, these normal reactions may be exacerbated due to the changes your child’s dentist is making to better protect everyone from COVID-19. Certain safety protocols that must be enforced might seem frightening for your child. So, what can you do to alleviate their concerns? To prepare them for their next dental visit and minimize their anxiety, here are a few fun ways to help them get excited about their appointment.


Baby Teeth

June 7, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — villagepediatric @ 12:31 pm

All about Baby Teeth, When you can expect your child’s pearly white baby teeth to appear in the mouth.

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