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Village Pediatric Dentistry Blog

3 Benefits Of Early Dental Visits For Your Child

September 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — villagepediatric @ 4:14 pm
Toddler and her dad with a dentist learning how to brush her teeth together

As parents, part of our job consists of caring for our little one’s health until they’re grown enough to take care of themselves. This naturally includes their oral health! Many children can develop issues like tooth decay or gum disease which could have been preventable. That’s why it’s so important that you start taking your kid to the dentist regularly once their first tooth appears, which is usually around 1 year. Keep reading to learn about 3 key benefits of taking them to dental appointments early.


Back-to-School Tips for Your Child’s Next Dental Exam

August 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — villagepediatric @ 9:37 am

As a parent, you’ve likely noticed that Summer is winding down. That means you’re prepping your kids for their upcoming Fall semester! Amidst this hustle and bustle, though, don’t forget: your preparations should involve more than school supply shopping. You’ll also want to help your kids pass their next dental exam with flying colors. Fortunately, your Cumming pediatric dentist has you covered. Use these back-to-school oral health tips so your children ace their next dental checkup.


How to Handle a Dental Emergency on Summer Vacation

July 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — villagepediatric @ 3:15 am
child experiencing dental emergency holding cheek

After months of anticipation, planning, reserving accommodations, and saving up for time off, your eagerly awaited summer vacation has finally arrived! Whether you’re journeying close by or to a far-off place, the last thing you’d want during your well-deserved break is for your child to experience a dental emergency. Unfortunately, emergencies can happen unexpectedly. If your little one ever confronts a dental emergency on summer vacation, keep reading to understand the steps you should take.


3 Ways to Protect Your Oral Health Over Summer Vacation

June 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — villagepediatric @ 11:27 pm
woman smiling on the beach

Traveling can always be a little bit hectic, and if you’re going on a trip with your family this summer vacation, you’re probably in the thick of trying to get everything together. In the midst of all that, it can be easy to let your oral health fall a little bit by the wayside.

That said, maintaining your and your children’s teeth doesn’t have to be complicated—keeping just a few things in mind can do a lot to protect your oral health. Here are a few tips to help you with that.


3 Reasons to Take Your Kids to the Dentist Before Vacation

May 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — villagepediatric @ 12:11 am
family playing on the beach

If you and your kids are going on a trip for summer vacation, there are a few things that you might want to do before you go. Pack your bags, book your tickets, and maybe even… take your kids to the dentist?

If you’re interested in really relaxing on vacation and ensuring that your family has the best time possible, it’s important to make sure that everyone is healthy. That includes your oral health—here’s why.


Dental Hygienist Week Is in April! Here’s How Your Child Can Participate

April 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — villagepediatric @ 5:32 pm
Child smiling while high-fiving dental hygienist

From Easter to spring break, April is filled with lots of noteworthy occasions. But did you know that the second week of April is also Dental Hygienist Week? Since one of the best ways to teach your little one is by getting them involved, you may be wondering how your child can participate in Dental Hygienist Week this year. If so, keep reading to learn a few ideas (as well as why this occasion is important in the first place!).


How To: Spring Clean Your Child’s Dental Routine

March 30, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — villagepediatric @ 6:35 pm
Dad and daughter brushing their teeth together in bathroom

Are you planning on dedicating a day or two to refreshing your home? For many parents, decluttering, donating, and organizing toys, clothes and other things that have accumulated is priority number one. If that’s the case for you, then don’t forget to “spring clean” your child’s dental routine too! Here’s an easy guide on how to do just that.


4 Awesome Gifts to Celebrate Your Child’s Smile for Children’s Dental Health Month!

February 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — villagepediatric @ 4:23 am
a child is showing his beautiful, healthy smile

February is usually associated with Valentine’s Day, but it is important for another reason: it’s Children’s Dental Health Month. By teaching your little ones how to implement a great dental routine, you will help keep their oral health in top condition. Essentially, this specially designated oral health month is still about love…showing them how to appreciate their teeth by brushing and flossing! And what better way to celebrate than to buy them cool dental products? Here are four ideas that your children are sure to enjoy (and better yet, use!).


3 New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Your Child’s Oral Health

January 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — villagepediatric @ 7:47 pm
smiling child holding a sparkler

January is here, which means that you’re probably already getting started on your New Year’s Resolutions. But have you thought about how your child could make a change in their life too? Maybe in the New Year, you could help your child to better their oral health.

Of course, getting your kid to do anything can be a bit of a tall order, but if you plan properly, you can potentially help your child to make a positive change in their dental hygiene. Here are a few New Year’s Resolutions that may help you do that.


3 Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Healthy Smiles in 2023!

January 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — villagepediatric @ 2:22 am
stockings stuffed with smile-friendly gifts

It’s that magical time of the year—the holiday season! Out of all the special moments, your child most likely looks forward to receiving gifts the most. As you make your list of presents to buy for your little one, why not include some that will also benefit their pearly whites? Read on for three stocking stuffer ideas that are sure to bring healthy smiles all year long.

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