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Floss Like a Boss: Teaching Your Child to Floss the Easy Way

May 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — villagepediatric @ 8:28 pm
Patient and child floss together

If you were to list all the things your child needs to learn to be healthy and functional it might stretch for miles. Still, you might forget to put flossing near the top! Teaching your child to floss is vital for their dental health in the future. While brushing is important, flossing reaches the spots that toothbrushes can’t, preventing cavities and gum disease. If you’d like some tips to help them learn to floss the easy way, continue reading!

Start Early

Introduce flossing when your child’s teeth start touching. This usually happens around the age of 2 or 3. Starting early helps them get used to the routine, making it a natural part of their daily dental care.

Let Them Choose a Floss

Take a trip to the grocery store and let them pick out a child-friendly floss of their own. There are all kinds of flavored and colorful floss to choose from. Allowing them to pick it out can increase their investment and make the process more appealing.

Lead by Example

Children learn best by watching their parents. So, it’s a great idea to floss your teeth alongside your child to show them how it’s done. Make it a family activity so they can see that everyone does it, and it’s completely normal and healthy!

Make it Fun

Try to turn flossing into a game! Create a fun story or song about flossing. Reward their efforts with stickers or a small toy. The goal is to make flossing something they look forward to rather than thinking of it as a chore.

Show Proper Technique

Show your child how to floss correctly. Use a gentle back-and-forth motion to guide the floss between their teeth. It’s also important to teach them the importance of being gentle to avoid hurting their gums.

Be Patient

Learning to floss takes time. Be patient and encourage your child even if they struggle at first. Praise their efforts and celebrate their progress, no matter how small. This will help them build a positive association with the activity and keep them trying!

By making flossing a fun and consistent part of your child’s routine, you can set them up for future success in oral health. With these tips, your child will be flossing like a boss in no time! As their skill grows, remember to take them to their dentist to get exams and cleanings so they can show off their healthy smiles!

About the Author

Dr. Susan Podray-Donovan is a bright and friendly pediatric orthodontist with a doctorate from Temple University. She enjoys working with children and has made it her mission to provide the best dental and orthodontic care by continuing her education through advanced training and staying active in multiple professional organizations. Call (678) 456-5572 to schedule a consultation at Village Pediatric Dentistry or visit the website to learn more.

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