You don’t need to be a pediatric dentist to know that many children aren’t exactly fans of receiving dental care. In fact, some are downright terrified! Whether you have a child with dental anxiety or one with special needs that makes routine care a challenge, our team can use sedation dentistry to ensure a smooth and productive visit every time. We offer different levels of sedation that can be fully-tailored for each child, so the next time your little one needs a cleaning or filling, you can both enjoy a relaxing experience. To learn more about your child’s options for sedation denistry in Cumming, GA, give Village Pediatric Dentistry a call today.
Nitrous oxide sedation is fast, gentle, and so effective that it has been used by dentists for over 100 years to soothe anxious patients of all ages. Your child will breathe in the odorless gas through a small nasal mask throughout their appointment, during which it will make them feel light, happy, and slightly numb all over. Another big advantage when using nitrous oxide is that once the mask is removed, a child will feel completely normal within minutes, able to quickly resume their regular day.
IV sedation involves administering a sedative directly into the bloodstream via an injection in the hand or arm. It’s typically recommended for children with moderate dental anxiety or those who need more extensive care. Once the sedative is flowing, a child will become deeply relaxed almost immediately, and we can adjust their sedation level in real-time to ensure they are completely comfortable at every moment.
For children with special needs, or those who are extremely afraid of the dentist, we can provide a type of sedation that puts them to sleep and allows them to remain unconscious throughout their entire appointment. Afterward, they’ll wake up and not be able to remember a thing. Typically, this type of sedation is used in a hospital setting so we can monitor your child’s breathing and heart-rate at the same time to guarantee their safety.